Library Cart for 2014

I bought my husband a sander for Christmas. He has a great desire to find more time for woodworking. I wholeheartedly support this hobby, especially when there are so many wonderful projects I can send his way. My first for this year? A library cart shelf. Next to my favorite seat on our couch is a constant stack of books, journals, magazines and knitting paraphernalia. I got the great idea to have him build me a replica of a library cart to park right there for organization and easy access. Something like this:

Or this:

With maybe some shelves like this on the bottom for my yarn:

So today I am sharing with you the books that will find their home on my library cart this year. I am very sure it is subject to change, but this is the short list of books I want to read this year.

Some of them are oldies from my shelf that I haven’t read in a while, some were Christmas gifts.
The first is the Bible. I am trying a new reading plan this year. It is the Discipleship Journal’s Book-at-a-Time Reading Plan from the You Version Bible App. I am hoping it will bring more continuity to my daily readings as I search God’s word this year to study His Promises. I will go into more detail about that in another post coming soon.
Tempted and Tried by Russell D. Moore
I have had this one on my shelf for a couple years and still haven’t got the chance to read it. I am really looking forward to digging into it soon.

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Just one of the classics that I haven’t had a chance to read in a while. I probably won’t be able to get to this one until our Homeschooling year is done and we are well into summer vacation.

A Woman’s Guide to Fasting by Lisa E. Nelson
I am a Co-Facilitator for this book in my local P.W.O.C. (Protestant Women of the Chapel). I am very encouraged by the simple truths of this book and the loving guidance offered by the author. It is practical and still gets straight to the heart of this forgotten Christian discipline.

A Hunger for God by John Piper
This is another great book on Fasting that I am reading as supplementary material for the PWOC class. It is also available as a free PDF here at

Women Living Well by Courtney Joseph
This is a fairly new book. I breezed through it quickly this fall, but plan to slow down and really soak it in again. Written by one of the founders of


The Promises of God by R.C. Sproul
My prayerfully chosen theme for this year is the Promises of God. I will be writing a post about it later this week. This book looks like an amazing way for me to kick off the year studying and learning about God’s promises in his word.

The Mission of Motherhood and The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson
Both of these have been recommended to me by several wise and loving mothers who give them rave reviews. I am already planning a simpler homeschool schedule for next year in the event that we will be moving again {love the military life}. I chose to read these two books first to get my thoughts back to the heart of it all; the hearts of my children.


Discipline: The Glad Surrender by Elisabeth Elliot
Discipline: I need it, lots of it. This book explores areas of discipline that I haven’t considered much before like honoring others, time and work.

One Hundred and One Devotions for the Homeschool Mom and One Hundred and One More Devotions for the Homeschool Mom by Jackie Wellwood
These two devotionals are essential for me during the school year. The author has such a tender way of understanding the hearts of homeschool moms and encouraging her reader’s with God’s word and also asking great questions to get you praying and applying it to your day.


Educating the Wholehearted Child by Clay and Sally Clarkson
As I said before, I am already revamping our Homeschool for next year and I am hoping to start here with this book. We use the Charlotte Mason method so the thought of a simpler homeschool using real books and real life really appeals to me.
So that is it. That is what I have filled my virtual library cart with for the year and hopefully soon they will fill a real handmade library cart by my chair as well.
What are you reading now? What do you plan to read this year? I would love to hear from you and maybe even grow my list with your ideas. Leave a comment and let us know. Many blessings for the New Year.

Abiding in Him,
